Thursday, September 14, 2006

Draw Strength From Sources

Yesterday I was nearly knocked down by motorbike, and a guy pulled me. But I think if he did not do that, I would never be knocked.

At that time, I was thinking my mum and my future, and I had never noticed I was just out of road. He found I was crying, and felt very anxious about me. I can not believe I told everything to a stranger and I kept crying before him. I have never thought I was so weak.

My good teacher Julia told me “Accepting sympathy, love and comfort from others does not mean that you are weak”. I hope she do not say this just want to make me more comfort. But I truly found that we all need the strength of others when we are down. Now I need to draw strength from sources I did not before. Although I am still afraid of my own feelings, I think it is natural. We are all human beings, and I do not want my heart to grow hard. Meanwhile, my heart is really really broken.

I remembered some sentences in “Tuesday with Morrie”, we live because we have truly learn know how to die. I have never walked so close to die.

I must understand that one important thing is that I must live healthily for my family not just for myself. Then next time I would take care myself, do not worry my friends.

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