Lindsay got dumped at the last second day of 2010. She called her sister Lily, who was in Paris at that moment. Lily was waked up by Lindsay's call at 5am at new year eve, and she immediately knew that there were something wrong. In fact, when Lily caught up her phone and opened her eyes, she even didn't know where she was. She was completely drunk the night before, and ended up with a random guy who was hitting on her. Lily is completely opposite from her sister Lindsay, who is a super nice girl and never has any experience of one night stand. Lily was not surprised at all about her sister's experience before the new year eve. She told Lindsay millions of time "to be nice means to be dumped", but nobody can be changed. Lindsay was crying over the phone "what is wrong with me, I just cannot make a guy stay with me, and what would I do for the damned new year eve", and Lily consoled her "men love bitches, but you are not." Similar conversations continued over 2 hours, till that random guy was kicking the door of bathroom.
Lily is a self-employed photographer and columnist. She never stayed a place more than 3 months, and kept this kind of life for more than 10 years already. There was no single place which would stop her, as well as men. While, Lindsay had stayed in Chicago for 5 years. Within these 5 years, first she spend 2 years with an asshole, and then one year with a nice guy but terrible future mother in law. After that, she hadn't had a really long relationship. She was always the one who involved a lot and was dumped at the end. Lindsay never thought that there was something in common between she and her sister. After all these experiences, she knew that they both don't believe love.
When Lindsay hung up the phone, the first thing she did was booking the earliest flight to Paris. She arrived her hotel close to champs elysees at 10pm. She called Lily and told her that she was in Paris. Lily was astonished. She used to think her sister as a predictable person, and she would never expect that Lindsay would fly Paris to spend her new year eve. They arranged to meet at the closest metro station to Eiffel tower.
Lindsay wore her most beautiful makeup and sexiest dress walking out of her hotel. She could hear whistles around her and guys were hitting on her. But she felt disgusting and repulsion. She is a cute girl but she never used her cuteness to attract guys. She wishes the guy who would like to be with her just because of who she is from inside to outside. But all these guys at that moment on the street were absolutely stupid in her mind just because of her outlooking. However, Lily used her beauty superlatively and kept all her relationship strictly physical.
Lindsay couldn't call a taxi, because all taxis in Paris at new year eve were busy. When she hardly walked to the metro station with her 15cm high heel shoes, she was pissed off by the fact that metro system was crashed at that moment in Paris. Finally she was mad when she tried to call her sister, because telecommunication system was not working as well. Tears were filled in her eyes. Few minutes before her heart was an elephant when she looked down all those stupid guys. But now she was still that Lindsay, weak, sensitive, naive, innocent, and helpless. She saw an huge elephant was out of her body and run away. Only 15 minutes left to midnight, the only thing she could think about was going to a place around people, the closest one champs elysees.
There were millions of people on champs elysees, but Lindsay knew nobody. Moreover, there was even no clock to show the time. Lindsay looked her watch, which was still Chicago time 7 hours and couple minutes before the midnight. It was ridiculous to see all people around were looking at their watches or cellphones. She closed eyes and let tears finally drop down. She felt somebody wipe her tear, and opened her eyes. Lily was standing in front of her. No words to say, they hugged and kissed each other. Nobody really cared that 2010 had passed, and there were even no counting down.
"You know, there was an elephant beside you, therefore, I found out you in this huge crowd."
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